Monday, January 19, 2009


I would stop by here just before the start of the spring semester. Matter a fact, I don't even feel like sitting here that long to type something out. I think it's funny that I've managed to type out 2 entries in the past 2 months. All in good reason, right? Just trying to live a life.

For the current record, I probably won't be jotting that many things down over the next few months.

Too many classes.
Too many video games.
Too much work.
Not enough time.

Writing...a very established part of my life (even though my grammar is horrible) will just have to take a backseat. Not saying that I'm getting rid of this. I just feel like I have no time or no desire to express anything here.

Last semester was great for the most part and this 5 week break has been nice, but I'm ready to get back to class and stop working as much. Working at Walmart is nothing I would like to make a career out of for sure. Alas, I've tried to do some other things on the days I've been off, but I usually just end up sitting around. I managed to get my passport application filled out last week so I have that to look forward to sometime in February.

A lot of Fallout 3 and Cold Duty: World At War over the past 2 weeks. Bought this recording device for the laptop, guitar, keyboard, etc etc... If I could get it to work that would take up a lot of my time possibly.

The future? As in this year? Not much planned, never really have that much planned out. I would like to go study abroad sometime at the end of the year if able to. Probably in London, was thinking about Mexico, but gave up on that for the most part. Though you never can tell with these things.

The spring semester begins tomorrow. I have classes 4 days a week as compared to 5 last semester and my earliest class is at 9:30 AM instead of 8 AM 5 days a week like last semester. Wednesdays will be classes all day.

Cut Copy plays here on March 7th. One of the best shows I went to last year. Still need to get tickets and request that day off. Hopefully the new manager isn't an asshole...Time will tell.

I turn 24 this year. I made this pact with myself that I would get somewhere in my twenties. So far, that hasn't happened and if only my 19 year old self would see me now. He would probably be a little disappointed. Hey, it's not like I'm still living at Home in Austin or Victoria for that matter. He's too young to understand anyway.

On that note, I'm outta here. Who knows I could show back up here tomorrow or 6 months from now. Hell, it's not like anyone really cares anyways. Oh well.