Sunday, November 9, 2008

This Was Just A Sign

It will occur randomly. 5 worthy subjects worth talking about. Moments of inspiration, failures, the past, sadness, being way too busy, and/or caught up in a moment. They all seem to hit at the same time yet when I actually stop to think, they disappear.

Tonight I went to Best Buy simply because they had their pre-black Friday festivities going on tonight. It was invite only even though all I did was just walk in and take a raffle ticket. I stood around for awhile. Looked at Bluetooth headsets for cell phones because I would like to buy one for my mother. They had a pretty good buy one, get one half off deal. I decided to wait and possibly talk to her. Plus, I wanted to read the reviews.

I browsed just about everything in the store. When you're making good money, you're single, and living on your own - It's kinda hard to resist buying. I did a lot of looking and a lot of planning. Which gets us no where at the end of the day. Found an awesome, somewhat moderately, cheap receiver for a sound system. Looked at CD's for awhile. Ended up buying Digital Shades Volume 1 by M83 and Heart On by Eagles Of Death Metal. Well worth the 30 dollars I spent. In addition, the money I spent supports the artist. Still need to see M83 live one of these days.

Almost bought Resistence 2 for PS3. I decided I would stop myself there. I'll get it in a week...or a couple of weeks, or a month.

I walked in the line at the checkout and waited for one of the 1st 2 cashiers to get done so I could be next. One girl, one guy. I was pushing for the girl to get done first. Lucky me, got my 2 cd's and walked to her counter. It is becoming more obvoious to me that when I buy CD's that I'm really being judged by my cashier. "This one is really good", she points at the EoDM CD as I pull out my credit card. I agree and we make short small talk until it's time for me to leave. I'm wished away to "have a good night." Wish I got her name. I should of left my number or something. Wait, do guys even do that sort of thing? Oh well. That moment never progessed forward. This was just a moment that will stay in shape and form until it fades out.

I can barely keep awake.

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