Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This is why we take a break

I'm a week and a half into my 3 week summer. Count the fact that I work about 5 days a week and 21 days turns into 6 days of absolute free time. Not much, but I'm not really complaining.

Classes have since ended and the grades were okay. I did have one D, but I stand by at the fact that it wasn't primarily my fault and more so the departments. I could go into exact detail over it, but I feel like I've done that with people personally in my life since February/March. Either way I'm gearing up for the summer. Retaking the class I made a D in and taking some others.

With all of that I finally feel like I'm starting to get close to the finish with college. Worst comes to worse - I would end up finishing in the Spring of 2011. Folks, I've been going to college since the end of 2004. At this point I would rather have the end of 2010 any day of the week. Either way that's 2 more fall semesters, this summer and the next, and one more Spring semester if I've calculated it all out right. I'm recalibrating this part of my life and hope to study abroad next summer in London with the RTVF department at UNT. Late last year I was looking to study in Mexico for this summer, but when I got into the class this past spring I had to reconsider. A shame since I technically would have been able to go anyways. Instead, I just declined and decided to take my 2 extra Spanish courses here instead of in Mexico. All the better anyways since the outbreak down there managed to cancel the trip to Mexico from the University. In the end, it just wouldn't have mattered.

It's all starting to tense up though. I can't screw up anymore. I can't make D's and retake them. I need to make solid grades for the next year and a half. That's a lot to ask of me since I work 30 -some-odd hours a week while attending classes. I maintain that I'm still going for my double minor as well. To see a general breakdown of it all:

  • RTVF major (36 hours left)
  • Business minor (12 hours left)
  • Spanish minor (6 hours left)
By the end of the year, I'm looking to have the hours down to 30, 3, and 3 respecitivly. 36 hours of classes to complete in a year. 15 in the spring, 15 in the fall, and the 6 to study in London. If possible I'm going to try and take more classes in the summer, that way I won't have to carry such a large load on my last semester. One can hope, right?

I'll try and get back with more later...

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